To translate our beliefs into actual environment we have designed spacious and child-friendly interiors that encourage the child to receive enormous stimuli and enhance his/her sensory motor learning. Indira National School (Pre-Primary) boasts of one of the best infrastructures in the city, complete with a sand pit, outdoor play area, an Amphitheater, a well-stocked library, computer lab with age-specific software and a small traffic park, besides of course, the well designed and well ventilated classrooms. Care has been taken and attention paid to detailing the infrastructure to suit our children’s requirements.
A school, we believe should be a place where the child loves to be at and not where he/she dreads to go!
Our well stocked collection of books is carefully selected by experts to instill a love for reading in tiny minds, as the best gift that you could ever give to your child, is a good book! The library stocks colorful picture books, story books, nursery rhyme books, books on parenting, encyclopedias and a lot more. Unique to Indira National School (Pre-Primary) is the library where parents can have books issued for use at home. Children are encouraged to pick books of their own choice to kindle curiosity and encourage self learning skills.
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